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General View

Материал из Ярославский педагогический университет
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A General View at Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushinsky

Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushinsky is a traditional and modern University.

It is traditional because keeps to the traditional ways of teacher's training. It is modern because trends to the universal educational training oriented onto complex person development, spiritual transformation and an active interpersonal dialogue between the student and the teacher in the educational process. The range of the training disciplines is enlarged constantly and made of the up-to-date researches, new management and improvement of learning conditions.

The Pedagogical University is situated in the center of Yaroslavl. Its empire main building which is in Respublikanskaya Street is a historic landmark. It symbolizes great history and perennial traditions of the University. They say that the forms of the University are similar to the forms of the Senate and Synod in Saint-Petersburg. Its classic facade - with a rusticated stylobate bringing columns of the Corinthian order, supporting the attic - is a symbol of solidity, gravity and responsibility, a symbol of continuity.

In the main building there is the University administration, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, a fundamental library, the Blue Hall, one of the Internet-centers, the Center of pre-university training, selection committee.

The Blue Hall is the main auditorium of the University. Here a visitor can see the portraits of the most outstanding University scientists and teachers, the bas-relief of "the Teacher of Teachers" Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, whose name is given to the University. The Blue Hall is a place for solemn ceremonies, meeting of the University Scientific Council.

The University history is presented in the exhibits of the Museum.

The fundamental library is the biggest book

depository of the region. In its collection there are many rare editions, printed books and manuscripts. The most valuable ones can be seen in a reading hall of the Rare Book Department.

Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushinsky has 7 educational buildings. Many of them are situated along the Kotorosl River. In the building which is at the corner of the embankment and Respublikanskaya Street there is the Institute of Pedagogics and Psychology, the University publishing house and printing office. Beside there is a huge building of the Natural-Geographic Faculty. Then there is a botanic garden and the buildings of the Faculty of Physical Training and History, a canteen, a preventive clinic, hostels. Not far from there, there is the building of the Institute of Philology in Kotoroslnaya embankment, 66 - it is the biggest center of humanitarian training. In modern buildings of the pedagogical university there are spacious, light, well-equipped classes and gymnasiums.

To provide the educational process there are 45 laboratories, 35 learning rooms, 18 computer classes.

Nowadays there are about 10 000 students and over 600 teachers in Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushinsky. Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushinsky is a powerful scientific center. Scientific research is being done in 35 directions, are being made fundamental applied researches. Very often they are done in the interdisciplinary way by specialists from different faculties.

The Pedagogical University is one of the biggest educational institutions of the region. It is a serious factor in educational, scientific and cultural life of the region, it has a good reputation.

The University promotes the enrichment of the modern culture in Yaroslavl, improves the cultural climate of the region. The scientists from the Pedagogical University are successful at local history researches.

The Pedagogical University is inseparable from Yaroslavl and from the country in whole.